Testicular Cancer Treatment in Varanasi

Cancer that is made in the tissues of one or in both of the testicles is identified as testicular cancer. In maximum of the situations, the testicular cancer begins in the germ cells. The testicular cancer can be of 2 types, seminomas and non-seminomas contingent on the way they grow and their spreading manner. Non -seminomas grow and spread much quicker equated to the seminomas and henceforth both categories are cured by diverse approaches. When a testicular cancer has both seminoma and non-seminoma cancer cells, they are cured as a non-seminoma case.

Risk factors

Some conditions might increase the probabilities of males getting this cancer. Amid these are heredities, Klinefelter syndrome and undescended testicles. Some testicular cancer patients do not show any risk element associated with the cancer. Menfolk with fertility problems are more likely to attain this kind of cancer. Semen characteristics that are recognized with the upsurged risk for testicular cancer are low semen concentration, poor motility of sperms and high amounts of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa.


  • The lower scrotum part feels categorically heavy, resembling being heaved down.
  • There is obvious pain all around the testicles part.
  • It might be accompanied by a dull pain in the lower testicular region.
  • There is a common feeling of lethargy all along.


Testicular cancer is detected by inspection of the testicles and the blood to check for any tumor symptoms. The testicles are also tested for any pain, inflammation or lumps accompanied by a comprehensive study of the patient’s medical history. In case of any swelling or tumor recognized, the serum tumor marker test is done which is a procedure in which a blood sample is studied to compute the quantity of substances that is released into the blood by the body cells.


The traditional treatment approaches for testicular cancer embrace surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. During surgery, the testicles are removed by a slit in the groin by a technique well-known as radical inguinal orchiectomy.

For any Testicular Cancer related concerns visit Mahamana Cancer Clinic and get treatment by Dr. Deepak Kumar Singh, best Testicular Cancer specialist in Varanasi, UP, India

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