Liver Cancer Treatment in Varanasi

The cancer of the liver is also identified as primary or metastasis liver cancer. Liver cancer ripens when liver cells proliferate at uncharacteristic rates. They then attack healthy portions of the same organ or nearby cells. There are two kinds of liver cancer viz. primary and secondary. Primary liver cancer means the tumor commences from the liver. Hepatocellular cancer (HCC) is the most common form (90%) of primary liver cancer. HCC originates from hepatocytes, the liver cells accountable for maximum of its functions. Other kinds of primary liver cancer are rare. They consist of cholangiocarcinoma, a cancer ascending from bile ducts present in the liver and hepatoblastoma, which transpires in kids, and gallbladder cancer. Secondary liver cancer infers the cancer started anywhere else and spread (metastasized) to the liver. In secondary liver cancer, patients do not have “liver cancer” to be precise. Patients are essentially experiencing metastases to their liver.


Some of the direct initial signs consist of extreme pain in liver area, chronic liver ailments like liver inflammation, recurrent swelling in liver, and finding of elevated mass or polyp in the region. Such polyp or tumor might be non-cancerous in the early phases but has very high probabilities of turning tumorous. Other direct initial signs consist of pains in stomach region, strange change in dimension of liver, bleeding from liver area and modification or change in size of abdomen. Infections and wounds in liver or neighboring areas that do not get away by general medical procedures should be checked for tumorous growth. Other signs consist of unforeseen or unusual loss of weight and sudden loss of appetite. Jaundice, anemia, back pains, severe emesis (vomiting) on recurrent basis, and variation in size of lymph nodes near liver are some other elementary subsidiary initial signs.


Diagnosis of primary liver cancer is usually made using blood tests, diagnostic imaging, surgical biopsy or laparoscopy, or a mixture of these techniques. The alpha-fetoprotein blood test and ultrasound imaging of the liver are also used to screen high-risk populaces (including those with hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections) for the ailment. As the risk of liver cancer is comparatively low for healthy persons, these examinations are not used to screen the general populace. In some circumstances, diagnosis is executed invasively, by taking out a small quantity of tissue for a biopsy, or by laparoscopy (insertion of a trivial tube with an attached camera into the stomach to review the cancer location). Laparoscopy can also be used to take out a sample of tissue for biopsy.


Ablative therapies can be used single-handedly or in blend with surgical amputation of a tumor. In cryosurgery, a needle is introduced into the center of a tumor to freeze it. Remaining tumor cells can be left over, making this technique less effective than surgery. Radiation therapy is used in particular circumstances to help control cancers. Radiation oncologists here in Varanasi use novel methods to focus the radiation ray on the cancer and spare the usual liver from injury. Embolization can also be used which is a process that cuts off the blood supply to the cancer.

For any Liver Cancer related concerns visit Mahamana Cancer Clinic and get treatment by Dr. Deepak Kumar Singh, best Liver Cancer specialist in Varanasi, UP, India

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